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For Wafa Hourani from Ramallah in the West Bank, the Middle East conflict is the central theme of his artistic work - to which he is now reminded of a wound: During a performance in the temporary art space "Café Beirut" in Ulrich Gideon-Bacher-Straße he cut a line in the palm of your hand. Even more lasting is the memory of this evening for five courageous: They let the line tattoo.


The idea behind the performance "Palmystery" was born out of a special ability of the Hourani born in 1979: he is also trained in the art of palmistry. He discovered that if one connects the so-called head and the lifeline in a certain way with a straight line, one gets the outline of Palestine - mind you, the historical landscape, not the present state. After all, Hourani is concerned with the vision of a peaceful Middle East region without borders and fences. "I work for the future," says the artist. An attitude that also manifests itself in his work "Qalandia 2087" shown in the townhouse. This shows the eponymous refugee camp in the north of Jerusalem 100 years after the first Intifada.


Wafa Hourani - Palestinian Artist - Science Fiction - Performance - Sculpture

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