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Newton's 4th Law



One fine July day in 1689 Isaac Newton visited Birzeit University close to Ramallah. He came to talk about “ The Mathematics Of The Occupation”.

The lecture was great.


On his way back to Jerusalem, where he was staying, he got stuck in Qalandia checkpoint – the only access point for going in or out of Ramallah.

It was a hot day and checking procedures very slow.

Newton was looking out of the window and, gazing at the motion of the checkpoint, thought of his fourth law.


Tec Tec Tak the soldier knocked on the window and shouted: Open the window!

Newton startled, his thoughts disrupted, and opened the window.


The soldier: ­your ID?


Newton's 4th Law

A. The distance between the first car and the last car queuing at the checkpoint is directly proportional to the distance between the last car that has passed the checkpoint and the checkpoint.


B. The tension of the checkpoint is directly proportional to the friction between the driver and the soldier, and the distance of the last car that has passed the checkpoint and the checkpoint.


C. The rate of change of the mood of the driver is directly proportional to the rate of change in the driver's position


D. With reference to the driver’s inertia:

The rate of change in the mood of the soldier is inversely proportional to the rate of change of the driver’s position in the queue.


E. With reference to an individual with no ID:

The rate of change of inertia is sufficiently close to zero.




Wafa Hourani - Palestinian Artist - Installation - Science Fiction



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